
Posts Tagged ‘Heart’


I’m standing in the rain. It soaks my tank top and jeans and sneakers. It soaks my weave, my bones. I’m standing with my face turned upward, wanting more. I want the rain to fall faster, harder. I want it to hit me like stones, to wash against me like the waves of a tsunami. No, I want the rain to wash me away, take me where the water goes. I pull off my top. I want the rain to beat my chest, to soak my heart. I want it to fall on my heart. How else can I stop it from bleeding? The rain beats me, the sky is bleeding. Nature weeps with me. I let the tears soak me. I scream. It comes out as a gurgle. The rain water chokes me. I take off my shoes, my socks. They’re too heavy. There is only so much I can carry. I feel the mud with my toes. My feet sink in. My heart bleeds still. The rain beats me. I can’t see the sky. I can’t feel my tears. The cold makes my fingers numb. I can’t feel. I lie in the mud. The rain will beat me till my heart stops bleeding.

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